Check out this collection of podcast episodes on queer Holocaust history.
The Holocaust History Podcast
The Nazi state was built on persecution, and multiple groups in addition to Jews were victimized and killed during the Holocaust. Featuring guest Dr. Laurie Marhoefer, this episode looks not only at Nazi persecution of gay and transgender people along with Nazi homophobic thought, but also explores the history of LGTBQ communities in Germany before the war. We also look at the challenges to doing this historical work as well as the recent assaults on Holocaust history.
12 Years that Shook the World
When Frieda Belinfante’s home country of the Netherlands is invaded by the Nazis in 1940, she leaves her flourishing music career to join the resistance movement. In defiance of the Nazi regime, Frieda, a lesbian, will risk her life to protect Jews, musicians, and other members of her community. Featuring guest historian Dr. Jake Newsome.
Produced by the US Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Getting Curious w/ Jonathan Van Ness
In 1871, Germany adopted an anti-sodomy statute called Paragraph 175. Sixty years later, the Nazis broadened that law—and it quickly became the basis for persecuting Germany’s queer population. When World War II ended, Paragraph 175 remained on the books. Dr. Jake Newsome joins Jonathan to discuss queer Germans’ experiences of Nazi rule and its aftermaths, the history and legacy of the pink triangle, and how this pivotal moment in queer history bears on today.
Note: This episode contains explicit language and may not be suitable for use in the classroom.
Sydney Reuter
All symbols are defined by the world around them – and the pink triangle is no exception. As the world has changed, the triangle has changed, too. Join George Mason University student Sydney Reuter as she interviews Dr. Jake Newsome and Dr. Erik Jensen about the history and transformation of the pink triangle.
Self published in May 2021 by Sydney Reuter for a class project. Runtime: 17 minutes.
Bad Gays
A discussion of the life and ideology of Ernst Röhm, the world’s first openly gay politician…and a Nazi.
At the turn of the 20th century, Magnus Hirschfeld, a German doctor sets out to prove that homosexuality is rooted in biology—but his research has consequences he never intended.
Making Gay History
More than a century ago, Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld chose to take a stand for LGBTQ rights, founding a movement, providing a safe space, and seeking justice through science. The Nazis crushed his vision, but not his legacy.
Dirty Sexy History
At least 385 anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced so far in 2023, targeting everything from books to gender-affirming care and even marriage equality. It all sounds a bit familiar, and that’s what we’re talking about this week. Today we talk to Dr. Jake Newsome, author of Pink Triangle Legacies: Coming Out in the Shadow of the Holocaust about anti-LGBTQ legislation in Germany from the 19th century until the 1970s, Nazi policies and how the public enabled them, and how the pink triangle went from a symbol of imprisonment to one of gay liberation.
Ivory Tower Boiler Room
On January 27th, the world recognized International Holocaust Remembrance Day, and it seemed poignant and fitting to have Dr. Jake Newsome, a scholar of American and German LGBTQ+ History, join Andrew in the ITBR to discuss his new book "Pink Triangle Legacies." Jake begins by explaining why so many don't know the Nazi persecution of LGBTQ+ people and the origin story of the pink triangle. He explains why it's so important to learn about the connection between Jewish and LGBTQ+ communities during the Holocaust. Why does Jake's historical fascination with the pink triangle begin in a Buffalo gay bar?
To suggest a podcast episode to be added to this page, please email jake@pinktrianglelegacies.org.