The following resources are designed to help you learn about the history and lived experiences of queer and trans people in Nazi Germany.
Read this historical essay for an overview of how and why the Nazis targeted queer people in Germany.
Explore essays, videos, and downloads that tell the true stories of LGBTQ+ individuals who lived in Nazi Germany.
In conjunction with the world's leading scholars on this topic, the Pink Triangle Legacies Project has collected articles and videos by professional historians based on archival research that document how and why the Nazis targeted transgender people.
Read the book that inspired the project. It traces the transformation of the pink triangle from its origins as a concentration camp badge to its reclamation as a global rallying cry for queer rights, pride, and community.
Browse a list of books, articles, and online resources that provide a variety of perspectives on this history.
Explore numerous Spanish-language resources on the Nazi persecution of LGBTQ+ people.
Estos recursos educativos están diseñados para enseñarle sobre la historia de las personas LGBTQ+ en la Alemania nazi.
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