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Bring the Book Tour to Your Community

Offer Your Community the Chance to Learn about Queer History Together 

Organizations ranging from universities and community centers to museums and corporations have hosted Dr. Jake Newsome to speak about his book Pink Triangle Legacies: Coming Out in the Shadow of the Holocaust.  Host organizations financially sponsor the events by paying for Dr. Newsome's travel, lodging, and speaker fee. 


If you are interested in bringing the Pink Triangle Legacies book tour to your community, please send an email to with the following information: 

  • Potential dates 

  • Your primary audience

  • Program location 

  • Your budget 

As the parent of a transgender daughter, it's wonderful to see someone from a small rural town coming back to bring awareness about LGBTQ+ history and issues. Young people here need to see someone with a voice speaking up. Thanks for all you're doing.

Book Tour Attendee

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